HELLO NEWGROUNDS PEOPLE!!!! :D I hope all of You are having a GREAT day, afternoon or night so far! A New Comedy Art will be out every two days or so, depending on My mood and situation that day. I also want to support any of You out there struggling creatively. I know how that is and wanted to say: EVERY FIGHT'S ANOTHER DAY LIVED. DON'T GIVE UP! IF SOME DORKY CHEESE MUFF LIKE ME CAN DO IT, SO CAN YOU! And I hope that My SUPER low-brow Comedy Art eases whatever You're going through. And listen, if it makes Who ever is reading this struggling in anyway feel better; I've been struggling with raw insecurities, some anger and the despondent feeling that I've been wasting My Time with pointless negativity. BUT! I turn that negativity into comedy, as You can clearly see.
ANYWAY! Love You Guys! And seriously, KEEP PUSHING FORWARD. If no one else is on Your Side --- I am. :)
Sincerely, AbsurdTyler. :D