Hello People of Newgrounds! :D
I've had an idea for a while and I think it's the time to text it..... I'm always up for suggestions what to make fun of. I don't know if you guys realize but alot of my comedy art jokes usually have something to do with topics such as sports, special olympics, sexism and etc. I mean, if you have some singer you don't like or a television show you can't stand. Text it to me! :) It dosn't have to be just a singer or television show it can be anything you don't like. So from now on if any of you have something I can make fun of, just put it on my comedy art comments or privately, dosen't matter.
And I also wanted to thank the fans I have and the people that were generous enough to look at my comedy arts. I do apprieciate it a whole bunch. Alot of you guys are great music makers and artists as well! :D All of you I commented on and everyone else on Newgrounds keep up the great work!
PM me if you wanna make fun of my fractals. I'll give you all the info you need about fractals to make fun of people who are mathmatic as hell and would love to do something with those two in mind. ;)